Scripture Reading - Romans 8:1-2 KJV

1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

First let us understand what “condemnation” means in the general sense to better understand what “No Condemnation” means. “Condemnation” comes from the word “Condemn” which means to disapprove of, sentence to punishment, proclaimed unfit and/or to place guilt upon. We would typically think of a judge pronouncing a sentence of guilty upon a person that is on trial. Yes, the accuser would bring forth some (or just one) accusation(s) for which the defendant is charged before a judge and possible jury. After all the information is presented to the court (judge only or jury included) a decision is made either for the plaintiff (accuser) which would be against the defendant or against the plaintiff which would be for the defendant. Due to the overwhelming burden of sin the Children of Israel were always feeling unfit for God. This feeling of uncleanness and unworthiness brought forth “condemnation” to the point where the believing Jews walked in a continuous doubt of God’s Love for them. Of course this would not be the case for all Jews but it is the case for many of God’s chosen children, the Son’s of Abraham. Today, this same problem exists for the Christian in the sense that many believers feel unworthy of their position (inheritance) in Christ. Yes, it is an awesome thing to be a child of God when we have done so many things wrong in our life. Yes, we (ihlcc) must admit that we have make mistakes but even worse than that we have disobeyed a commandment in God’s Word when we should have known better. In no way are we happy about the times we have missed God but even when that happens it does us no good to sit around and mope about a wrongful act. We Christians, as Children of God, are encouraged to castoff all condemnation simply because the Precious (Priceless) Blood of Jesus has washed away our sins. We know that we all make mistakes but to live your future life in the light of a past error(s) is ungodly. Yes, we glorify God by acting like God acts, specifically acting in a way that consistently lines up with God’s Word. Our Lord does not dwell on the past (Philippians 3:13) because His Vision is always looking forward. Therefore it is incumbent upon every Christian to aggressively resist this urge to feel guilty for past or presence sins because guilt after forgiveness is not God’s Will. The key is realizing that yes, I have sinned before but the Savoir washed me clean from all my sins. Yes, read this statement again He (Jesus Christ) washed me clean from all my sins, period. Amen! This statement is not a dream or suggestion but rather a biblical fact for all born-again believers. This statement means all past sins have been covered under the Blood of Jesus and if you committed a sin a minute ago the instant you confessed that sin unto Jesus, our High Priest, and forsaken the wrong acts of sinning you are clean in His Sight that very moment. This is why we have “No Condemnation” in Christ Jesus because it is not based upon your good works but rather on His completed awesome WORK upon the Cross at Calvary. So please dearly beloved Saint of God conduct yourself in a joyful fashion because you are total clean and totally forgiven of all sin. Therefore, the only people that are walking in the condemnation of a guilty world are those who reject the pure mercies of God (which are new every morning) through Jesus Christ our Cleanser. Don’t allow the devil to keep you under the cloud of condemnation from guilt when you are innocent, clean and set free in Christ Jesus our Lord. If someone has a problem with your freedom (liberty, joy) in Jesus tell them to take it up with the Father, the Merciful Judge of all the earth. Amen!